Nick Rhodes: from new romantic to outer space

The Duran Duran star and singer Wendy Bevan talk to Dominic Maxwell about their cosmic collaboration

Nick Rhodes and Wendy Bevan are collaborating on space-inspired albums
Nick Rhodes and Wendy Bevan are collaborating on space-inspired albums
The Times


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It is hard, Nick Rhodes and his new collaborator Wendy Bevan admit, to figure out quite how it happened. How did a few musical ideas the Duran Duran keyboardist was trying out for Bevan’s latest album swell into a joint 52-track series of four instrumental albums on the theme of the universe? Albums that are being released on each equinox and solstice of the year? With a video for each track being released on a weekly basis? Even for a member of a band who have been making big statements for more than 40 years, Astronomia — the first instalment of which, The Fall of Saturn, is out — is a grand gesture.

Yet neither Rhodes nor Bevan can pinpoint exactly where a spot